What is considered a corrosion innovation?

The innovation must show the potential for a significant positive impact in corrosion control. The innovation can be related to coatings and linings, materials, design, equipment, testing, monitoring, modeling/risk assessment, cathodic protection, chemical treatment—anything that directly relates to corrosion prevention and mitigation.

Who is eligible to enter?

Anyone worldwide who is involved with corrosion control, including individuals, companies, organizations, and governments, can submit a nomination.

Can a previously nominated innovation be nominated again?

Yes. However, innovations that have previously received an MP Corrosion Innovation of the Year Award cannot be nominated again.

Is there a cost to submit a nomination?

No. There is no cost associated with your entry.

Can an individual or company nominate themselves?


Can an individual or company submit more than one nomination?


What is the official language for the nominations?


How do I nominate an innovation?

The nomination form must be completed, and submitted by Sunday, September 15, 2024.

The nomination form asks for a full description of the innovation, which should include:

  • the need for the innovation;
  • the process used for developing and implementing the innovation;
  • an evaluation of the results;
  • and criteria used to determine its success.

The summary description should be 300 words or less including one photo, and the full description should be limited to no more than 10 pages.

Participants can select a category on the form they feel best fits the innovation: coating and linings, cathodic protection, materials, design, chemical treatment, instrumentation, testing, modeling/risk assessment, or “other.”

What are the eligibility requirements?

To be eligible for consideration, the innovation must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Those entries that do not meet the eligibility criteria will be disqualified. Nominations submitted after the deadline date may not be accepted.

How do I view all the nominated innovations?

The nominations will be posted for viewing on the MP Corrosion Innovation of the Year Awards nominations page. Prior to posting, all nomination forms will be vetted to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria. As soon as they are vetted, the nomination forms will be posted.

How will the awards recipients be selected?

The nominations will be rated by a panel of leading corrosion experts. Each innovation will be rated using a numerical scoring system. The highest-rated innovations will receive the awards.

Rating criteria

  • Does the description provided adequately describe the innovation—how it works, its purpose, and what makes it innovative?
  • Does the innovation improve an existing corrosion-control solution or provide a new solution where none previously existed?
  • Has the nominator sufficiently demonstrated that the innovation works as described, either by providing laboratory or field test results?
  • Can the innovation be incorporated into existing corrosion prevention and control activities?
  • Does the innovation benefit the corrosion-control industry?

What do the award recipients receive?

Each innovation selected for an award will be presented with one trophy at an award presentation during the 2025 AMPP Annual Conference + Expo in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

I have additional questions. Who do I contact?

For more information about the award program, please contact MP Editor Kerry Cole at MPInnovationAwards@ampp.org.

The fine print.

MP reserves the right to disqualify any nomination that is frivolous, not feasible, incomplete, illegible, or fails to meet all the nomination submission process requirements, and is under no obligation to publish or exhibit any entry. The judging panel’s decisions are final.

In consideration of MP agreeing to consider their nomination, each participant grants MP and AMPP a royalty-free license to copy, edit, display, publish, and make available their nomination description and photos in any format in connection with the awards or promotion of the awards.

By submitting a nomination, participants confirm that they have the right to nominate, that they have obtained all necessary consents, permissions, and authorizations, and that the entry does not infringe on any third-party rights.

MP assumes no responsibility for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer systems, servers, software, Internet service providers, or e-mail systems; failure of any entry to be received due to technical problems or incomplete, late, lost, damaged, illegible, or misdirected electronic communications; or any combination thereof.

MP further disclaims liability for any injury or damage to any person's computer relating to or resulting from participation in the award program or downloading any nomination materials.

The award recipients will be contacted by email in late 2024. Winners will be publicly announced and honored at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. All top innovations will also be announced and recognized in MP magazine. MP is not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by award program participants or any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the award program.

MP accepts no responsibility for any participants’ costs associated with submitting entries, attending the awards ceremony, or shipping/transporting trophies after they have been presented to the recipients.